Citizens First….A group that still believes that America was meant to be governed by the People for the People

If you believe….

  • America’s best days can still be ahead of us with the right leadership
  • We need to reduce or eliminate the influence of special interests
  • America needs and deserves better leadership choices for Federal offices
  • Politicians in national offices often put their careers ahead of our country’s best interest

…….............then you are a Citizens First person too!

Our Mission
The mission of Citizens First is to preserve and grow the personal freedom and economic opportunity of our fellow citizens by working to reduce the size and scope of the federal government, and to make that government more accountable to all American citizens. We will work to achieve this mission by using Constitutional means to reinvigorate the States collectively to be the co-equal of the federal government and serve as the bulwark to keep the federal government in check as the Founders intended.

Specifically, we will work through the state legislatures and private citizens to organize a Constitutional Convention under Article 5, where needed amendments can be proposed to limit the size and scope of the federal government – needed amendments that the U.S. Congress would not propose such as spending limits on the federal government , or term limits for Congressman. The Founding Fathers had the wisdom to foresee that the leaders of the federal government could become too powerful and unresponsive to citizens and gave us Article 5 as a peaceful means to re-assert true citizen rule.

Who We Are and Why We Do What We Do:

The Who:

Citizens First was founded by two ordinary citizens who are genuinely dedicated to making our nation a better place to live for future generations. We are responsible people who are grateful for the freedom, stability and opportunities previous generations have created for us under the brilliant direction of the US Constitution and their own hard work and sacrifice - we want to keep that legacy alive.

The Why:

We are tired of the status quo, and deeply concerned about the direction and future of the nation, and by extension, the future of our children and generations beyond. We are tired of:

  • Decades of promises to reduce spending and the size of government only to see the federal government continue to increase in size and scope – well beyond the Founding Father’s intent.
  • Frequently voting against candidates we oppose instead of for candidates we enthusiastically support due to the lack of better leadership choices at both the congressional and presidential level.
  • Watching the truly best and brightest our nation has to offer not pursue positions of political leadership because the barriers to entry are so high in the form of the millions of dollars required and the incredible reelection rate of incumbents.

Watch this quick video featuring co-founder Larry Wiwi explaining Citizens First and our goals.

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The information provided on this website by Citizens First Ltd. is intended to be used for educational and information purposes only. Actions taken in reliance of this information are the sole responsibility of the actors and not Citizens First Ltd. Citizens First Ltd. does not endorse any particular candidate, as this information is intended to help those interested persons get involved in the political process, but on a non-partisan basis. The co-founders, agents, employees and/or other individuals associated with Citizens First Ltd. do not provide any express or implied warranties of fitness of this information for any particular purpose, but express their desire that this information create a more active citizenry.